Publication Process

Publication Process for IJoRIS
IJoRIS: The International Journal of Religious and Interdisciplinary Studies follows a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the quality and originality of the published content. The key steps in our publication process are outlined below:

Step 1: Manuscript Submission
Authors should submit their manuscripts through our online submission system. The manuscript should conform to the formatting and style guidelines provided on the IJoRIS website.

Step 2: Initial Screening
The IJoRIS editorial team will conduct an initial screening of the submitted manuscript. This includes:

1. Verifying that the manuscript meets the scope and aims of the journal
2. Checking for plagiarism using plagiarism detection software
3. Ensuring the manuscript adheres to the journal's formatting and style requirements
Manuscripts that pass the initial screening will proceed to the peer-review process.

Step 3: Peer Review
The manuscript will be assigned to at least two independent, expert peer reviewers who are knowledgeable in the relevant field of study. The peer reviewers will assess the manuscript based on the following criteria:

1. Originality and significance of the research
2. Appropriateness of the methodology
3. Clarity and organization of the writing
4. Proper citation of sources
5. Adherence to ethical guidelines
The peer reviewers will provide a recommendation to the editorial team, which may be:

- Accept the manuscript as is
- Accept the manuscript with minor revisions
- Accept the manuscript with major revisions
- Reject the manuscript

Step 4: Revision and Resubmission
If the peer reviewers recommend revisions, the authors will be notified and provided with the reviewers' comments. The authors will then have the opportunity to revise and resubmit the manuscript.

Step 5: Final Decision
The editorial team will review the revised manuscript and the peer reviewers' recommendations to make a final decision on the publication of the manuscript. Possible outcomes include:

- Accept the manuscript for publication
- Reject the manuscript

Step 6: Production and Publication
Accepted manuscripts will undergo a final round of copyediting, typesetting, and proofreading before being published in the next available issue of IJoRIS. The authors will receive proofs of their article for final review before publication.

The entire publication process, from initial submission to final publication, typically takes 3-6 months, depending on the revisions required and the publication schedule.

IJoRIS is committed to maintaining the highest standards of scholarly publishing. We appreciate the dedication and contributions of our authors, reviewers, and editorial team in upholding these standards.