Peer Review Process
Peer Review Process: The International Journal of Religious and Interdisciplinary Studies (IJoRIS)
The International Journal of Religious and Interdisciplinary Studies (IJoRIS) is committed to maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity and quality through a rigorous peer review process. This document outlines the steps involved in the peer review process for manuscripts submitted to IJoRIS.
Step 1: Initial Screening
Upon receiving a manuscript submission, the Editorial Office will conduct an initial screening to ensure that the submission meets the basic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines. This includes checking the manuscript's format, length, and adherence to the journal's scope and formatting requirements.
Step 2: Editor Review
The Editor-in-Chief or a member of the Editorial Board will then conduct an initial review of the manuscript to assess its suitability for the journal. The editor will evaluate the manuscript's originality, significance, and overall fit with the journal's aims and scope. If the manuscript is deemed unsuitable, the author will be notified, and the submission will be rejected.
Step 3: Peer Review
If the manuscript passes the initial screening and editor review, it will be sent to at least two independent, expert reviewers for a double-blind peer review. The reviewers will be selected based on their expertise in the relevant field of study and their familiarity with the journal's scope and standards.
The reviewers will be asked to provide a comprehensive assessment of the manuscript, including evaluations of the following aspects:
1. Originality and significance of the research
2. Appropriateness and rigor of the methodology
3. Clarity and completeness of the results and discussion
4. Validity of the conclusions and implications
5. Adherence to ethical standards and the journal's guidelines
6. Overall quality of writing and organization
Reviewers will also be asked to provide a recommendation regarding the manuscript's suitability for publication, such as "Accept," "Revise and Resubmit," or "Reject."
Step 4: Decision and Feedback
The Editor-in-Chief, in consultation with the Editorial Board, will consider the peer review reports and make a final decision regarding the manuscript. Authors will be notified of the decision and provided with the reviewers' feedback, ensuring that the review process is transparent and constructive.
If the manuscript is accepted with revisions, the authors will be asked to address the reviewers' comments and resubmit the manuscript. The resubmitted manuscript will then be re-evaluated by the original reviewers or the Editor-in-Chief to ensure that the revisions have been satisfactorily addressed.
Step 5: Publication
Once the manuscript has been accepted for publication, it will undergo a final editorial review and copyediting process before being published in the next available issue of IJoRIS.
The entire peer review process is typically completed within 8-12 weeks from the initial submission. IJoRIS is committed to providing authors with a fair, transparent, and timely review process.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the peer review process, please contact the Editorial Office.